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Stain Removal Tips

This week I had two friends ask me how to remove different types of stains. So I thought I would list my favorite stain removal products! I have stolen all of my knowledge on this subject from my mom, who is the stain removal guru. In fact, I still call my mom to verify the best way to remove different types of stains.

Not all of these products are for clothing. This list includes two of my favorite products for fabrics, one for carpet, and another cleaner that's great for sticky and tacky things!

Norwex Dishwashing Liquid

Wait, dish soap? YES! This dishwashing soap is my favorite for general stain removal. To use, get the stain wet with warm water (cold water will set the stain), and use a scrub brush or a toothbrush to gently remove the stain. This soap doesn't have any dyes, so you won't risk staining your clothes. It does not work well on grease stains. So a bonus tip, use Dawn dish soap on greasy stains, like butter and oil. (I have found that the blue Dawn Platinum is the best for stain removal. But beware, if used on white fabrics, it sometimes leaves a very faint blue residue until after the clothes go through the washing machine.)


This stain removing bar is super powerful. If dishwashing liquid isn't strong enough, I will sometimes try using the Fels-Naptha bar. You use this in the same was as the dishwashing liquid. Using warm water, wet the bar and rub it on the stain. Then, using a brush, gently try to remove the stain. I would avoid using this on anything white, because the off-white color of the bar has stained some of my white fabrics. I have also used this on shoes, but it did leave a very faint off-white residue on my white Allbirds shoes, even after sending them through the washing machine.

Avenge Legendary Spotter by Bridgepoint

This is hands down the greatest stain remover for carpet. I don't know how it works. But it can even get red stains out of carpet! The important things to remember when removing stains from carpet is to use warm water and to blot the stain, don't rub it. Be sure to follow the instructions on the bottle. (Photo credit to

NaturSol by Insight Pure

Dedicated readers will recognize the brand name Insight Pure. I use several of their cleaning products. Technically this isn't for "stains," but I have used it as a last resort on fabrics. This cleaner is great for removing anything sticky, like tape residue, sap, tar, and gum. It's also great at removing permanent marker from surfaces. Warning, it is a very strong cleaner, so use it sparingly, and first try it in a hidden area. For example, if trying to remove a stain on a wall, it will remove the paint if you scrub too hard.


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